
I stopped blogging a long time ago, however there are things in my daughter's life that I want documented. This is for you, Berlyn. Mommy loves you.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Berlyn starts cheerleading today! I am excited for her because this is something she has been wanting to do for a long time but I could not afford it. This time it is at least affordable. She "cheers" all the time, so now is her chance to actually learn. She told her whole class yesterday that she was going to cheerleading today.

Speaking of school, she is doing well besides the fact that she talks A LOT and does not pay attention. I worry that in her mind school is a social thing. So far she has gotten two yellow faces. It's like a stop light, green, yellow, red. She has become pretty vain about her appearance as well, how her hair is done, what she wears to school, etc. Mornings are difficult because of this. Talk, talk, talk, then argue because there is not a lot of time left to straighten her hair or get all her jewelry on or because her outfit isn't cute enough. UGH. It makes me feel like a failure as a parent because she cares so much about what the other kids think. 

One day she ran into the living room and put some paper in her backpack. I asked her what it was and she said a picture for her "friend". I asked if I could look at it and she said no. I was immediately suspicious, of course. I looked at it and it had hearts on it. I thought, Oh boy, here we go. She told me it was for Isabella, uh huh. That night I talked to her and she told me a little boy kept making hearts with his hands at her. She asked him what he wanted her to wear the next day and he said a dress with her hair down and a flower in it. GAH! Again, I wish she didn't care what others thought of her but I'm assuming it's a 5 year old thing. I had a talk with her and told her she can have friends who are boys but she cannot have a boyfriend. Besides its always been a rule that she cannot date until she is taller than the refridgerator. I told her the other day that Mimi said I couldn't date until I was 35, so apparently I still can't date. I guess she thought I was a lot older because she argued that I am allowed to date and I am old!

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